Watch Unicorn Town online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Unicorn Town, directed by Nick Alfieri & starring Devin Benton, Nick Alfieri, Siegfried Gehrke & Tyler Rutenbeck on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Unicorn Town

With the help of a handful of American recruits, an underdog football team in a small German town attempts to keep up in a league that appears to be leaving them behind.

TAGLINE: "Far from home. Close to victory."

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Its release date is Friday August 19, 2022

Production details

Director Nick Alfieri
Cast Devin Benton, Nick Alfieri, Siegfried Gehrke & Tyler Rutenbeck
Genre Documentary
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2022-08-19
Theme American Football
Script Nick Alfieri
Runtime 83 min


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Unicorn Town | Aug 19th, 2022

Unicorn Town
9.1/10 | By Nick Alfieri
Germany | Documentary
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes