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Can you stream the movie Vent, directed by Mayuren Naidoo & starring Charlie Markwell, Harrison Osterfield, Phillip Markwell & Vala Norén on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Vent

Three years after a widespread radiation leak, Rose is frustrated and determined to convince her controlling boyfriend, Parker, that she is ready to take the gas mask and go outside.

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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Friday November 16, 2018

Production details

Director Mayuren Naidoo
Cast Charlie Markwell, Harrison Osterfield, Phillip Markwell & Vala Norén
Release date 2018-11-16
Theme Cancer
Place setting Universities Colleges
Location Vancouver
Script Mayuren Naidoo
Runtime 18 min

Other Mayuren Naidoo Movies on Amazon Prime

Vent | Nov 16th, 2018

5.8/10 | By Mayuren Naidoo

Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video