Watch Violet online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Drama movie Violet, directed by Bas Devos & starring Cesar De Sutter, Koen De Sutter, Mira Helmer & Raf Walschaerts on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Violet
15-year-old Jesse is the only one who witnessed the stabbing of his friend Jonas. Now he has to face his family and friends form the BMX riders crew and explain the unexplainable - how he feels about it.
Its release date is Sunday February 9, 2014
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Its release date is Sunday February 9, 2014
Production details
Director | Bas Devos |
Cast | Cesar De Sutter, Koen De Sutter, Mira Helmer & Raf Walschaerts |
Genre | Action, Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | Belgium & The Netherlands |
Release date | 2014-02-09 |
Theme | Adolescence, Bike Racing, Bmx, Ptsd, Vampires & Witness |
Time setting | 2070s |
Location | Hong Kong & Shanghai |
Script | Bas Devos |
Cinematography | Arthur Wong |
Music | Klaus Badelt |
Runtime | 85 min |