Watch Voodoo Island online

Can you stream the Horror movie Voodoo Island, directed by Reginald Le Borg & starring Beverly Tyler, Boris Karloff, Murvyn Vye & Rhodes Reason on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Voodoo Island

A wealthy industrialist hires the renowned hoax-buster Phillip Knight to prove that an island he plans to develop isn't voodoo cursed. However, arriving on the island, Knight soon realizes ...

TAGLINE: "SEE! Men Turned Into Zombies! SEE! Woman-Eating Cobra Plants! SEE! Strange Voodoo Rituals! SEE! The Bridge Of Death!"

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Friday February 1, 1957

Production details

Director Reginald Le Borg
Cast Beverly Tyler, Boris Karloff, Murvyn Vye & Rhodes Reason
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1957-02-01
Theme Debunker, Land Developer, Man Eating Plant, Native Peoples, Tropical Island, Voodoo & Zombie
Place setting Oceania
Location Hawaii
Script Richard H. Landau
Cinematography William Margulies
Music Les Baxter
Runtime 76 min

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