Watch Vou Nadar Até Você online

Can you stream the movie Vou Nadar Até Você, directed by Klaus Mitteldorf & Luciano Patrick(co-director) & starring Bruna Marquezine, Fernando Alves Pinto, Ondina Clais & Peter Ketnath on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Vou Nadar Até Você

Ophelia, a decided and determined young photographer, leaves São Vicente, by water, to swim across the sea until she reaches Ubatuba, where she believes her father is located.

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Its release date is Thursday March 5, 2020

Production details

Director Klaus Mitteldorf & Luciano Patrick(co-director)
Cast Bruna Marquezine, Fernando Alves Pinto, Ondina Clais & Peter Ketnath
Release date 2020-03-05
Script Klaus Mitteldorf (creator) & Nina Crintzs
Runtime 107 min