Watch What Tomorrow Brings online

Can you stream the Documentary movie What Tomorrow Brings, directed by Beth Murphy & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: What Tomorrow Brings

WHAT TOMORROW BRINGS is a vérité feature documentary that tells the story of the first all-girls' school in a small Afghan village. It traces the interconnected stories of students, ...

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Its release date is Thursday May 5, 2016

Production details

Director Beth Murphy
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2016-05-05
Theme Afghanistan
Place setting Orange County, California
Location Los Angeles
Script Beth Murphy
Runtime 90 min
Homepage What Tomorrow Brings Homepage


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What Tomorrow Brings | May 5th, 2016

What Tomorrow Brings
8.0/10 | By Beth Murphy
United States of America | Documentary
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes