Watch White Sands online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Drama movie White Sands, directed by Roger Donaldson & starring Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson & Willem Dafoe on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: White Sands
A small southwestern town sheriff finds a body in the desert with a suitcase and $500,000. He impersonates the man and stumbles into an FBI investigation.
TAGLINE: "Crime Drama Thriller" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday April 24, 1992
Production details
Director | Roger Donaldson |
Cast | Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson & Willem Dafoe |
Genre | Action, Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1992-04-24 |
Theme | Suspense |
Script | Daniel Pyne |
Cinematography | Peter Menzies Jr. |
Music | Patrick O'Hearn |
Box Office Revenue | $9 |
Runtime | 101 min |