Watch Wild Target online
Can you stream the Action & Comedy movie Wild Target, directed by Jonathan Lynn & starring Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Everett & Rupert Grint on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Wild Target
A hitman tries to retire but a beautiful thief may change his plans.
TAGLINE: "They said 'Take her out'. He got the wrong idea." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday June 17, 2010
Production details
Director | Jonathan Lynn |
Cast | Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Everett & Rupert Grint |
Genre | Action & Comedy |
Country of origin | France & United Kingdom |
Release date | 2010-06-17 |
Theme | Assassin, Contract Killing, Detective, Gangster, Hitman, Insomnia, London England, Mother & Robbery |
Location | London |
Script | Lucinda Coxon (screenplay) & Pierre Salvadori (film "Cible émouvante") |
Cinematography | David Johnson |
Music | Michael Price (composer) |
Costs | $8,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $3,453,043 |
Runtime | 98 min |