Watch With Honors online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie With Honors, directed by Alek Keshishian & starring Brendan Fraser, Joe Pesci, Moira Kelly & Patrick Dempsey on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: With Honors
Convinced his thesis will have him graduate with honors from Harvard University, a stuffy student finds himself at the mercy of a homeless man's demands when he holds the papers hostage.
TAGLINE: "If you want a degree go to Harvard, If you want an education go to Simon Wilder." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday April 29, 1994
Production details
Director | Alek Keshishian |
Cast | Brendan Fraser, Joe Pesci, Moira Kelly & Patrick Dempsey |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1994-04-29 |
Theme | Bum, College Student, Harvard Law School, Homeless Person & Law school |
Place setting | Massachusetts |
Location | Chicago, Massachusetts & Minnesota |
Script | William Mastrosimone |
Cinematography | Sven Nykvist |
Music | Patrick Leonard |
Box Office Revenue | $20,016,254 |
Runtime | 103 min |