Watch Woody Allen: A Documentary online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Woody Allen: A Documentary, directed by Robert B. Weide & starring Diane Keaton, Penélope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson & Woody Allen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Woody Allen: A Documentary

A documentary on Woody Allen that trails him on his movie sets and follows him back to Brooklyn as he visits his childhood haunts.

TAGLINE: "Comedy is easy. Dying is hard."

All streaming services available

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Its release date is Sunday November 20, 2011

Production details

Director Robert B. Weide
Cast Diane Keaton, Penélope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson & Woody Allen
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2011-11-20
Theme Actor, Biography, Director, Documentary Comedy Comedians, Ex-wife, Interview, New York City, Tribute & Writer
Script Robert B. Weide
Runtime 192 min


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