Watch You Got Served online
Can you stream the Drama & Musical movie You Got Served, directed by Chris Stokes & starring J-Boog, Lil' Fizz, Marques Houston & Omarion on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: You Got Served
In order to achieve their dream of opening a recording studio, two friends (Omarion, Houston) must first win their city's dance contest -- a fierce competition that pits them against a group of tough street dancers.
TAGLINE: "If you want respect, you've got to take it." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday January 30, 2004
Production details
Director | Chris Stokes |
Cast | J-Boog, Lil' Fizz, Marques Houston & Omarion |
Genre | Drama & Musical |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2004-01-30 |
Theme | Breakdance, Competition, Dance, Dance Performance, Hip-hop, Hiphop & Musical |
Script | Chris Stokes |
Music | Tyler Bates |
Runtime | 95 min |