Watch You, the Living online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Music movie You, the Living, directed by Roy Andersson & starring Björn Englund, Eric Bäckman, Håkan Angser & Patrik Anders Edgren on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: You, the Living
You, the Living is a film about humankind, its greatness and its baseness, joy and sorrow, its self-confidence and anxiety, its desire to love and be loved.
Its release date is Friday September 21, 2007
All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday September 21, 2007
Production details
Director | Roy Andersson |
Cast | Björn Englund, Eric Bäckman, Håkan Angser & Patrik Anders Edgren |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Music |
Country of origin | Japan & Sweden |
Release date | 2007-09-21 |
Theme | Airplane, Balcony, Bar, Hairdresser, Jazz, New Love, Pickpocket & Sweden |
Script | Roy Andersson |
Cinematography | Gustav Danielsson |
Music | Benny Andersson |
Runtime | 95 min |