Watch Zaat online

Can you stream the Fantasy, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Zaat, directed by Arnold Stevens & Don Barton & starring Gerald Cruse, Marshall Grauer, Paul Galloway & Wade Popwell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Zaat

A mad scientist transforms himself into an aquatic killer.

TAGLINE: "Is the monster man... fish... or devil?"

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Its release date is Friday January 1, 1971

Production details

Director Arnold Stevens & Don Barton
Cast Gerald Cruse, Marshall Grauer, Paul Galloway & Wade Popwell
Genre Fantasy, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1971-01-01
Theme Fish, Florida, Laboratory, Mad scientist, Man Beast, Monster, Mutation & Radioactivity
Location Jacksonville, Florida
Script Don Barton (screenplay), Lee O. Larew (story) & Ron Kivett (story)
Cinematography Jack McGowan
Music Jack Tamul
Runtime 100 min

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