Watch Zëiram 2 online
Can you stream the Action & Science Fiction movie Zëiram 2, directed by Keita Amemiya & starring Kazuhiko Inoue, Mizuho Yoshida, Sabu & Yûko Moriyama on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Zëiram 2
An intergalactic bounty hunter squares off against a deadly alien that has taken over the body of her combat android.
Its release date is Saturday December 17, 1994
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Its release date is Saturday December 17, 1994
Production details
Director | Keita Amemiya |
Cast | Kazuhiko Inoue, Mizuho Yoshida, Sabu & Yûko Moriyama |
Genre | Action & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | Japan |
Release date | 1994-12-17 |
Theme | Female Martial Artist, Killer Robot, Martial arts, Robot & Sword |
Script | Hajime Matsumoto |
Runtime | 107 min |