Movies like Смертельные иллюзии to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller movie Смертельные иллюзии with Aglaya Tarasova, Andrey Burkovskiy, Danila Yakushev & Pavel Chinaryov?

Movies like Смертельные иллюзии with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Смертельные иллюзии?

The famous illusionists, the Romanov brothers, present to the public their grandiose show, after which they are going to end their joint performances because of the accumulated mutual claims. In the first issue, with the disappearance of the assistant from the aquarium filled with water, something goes wrong - it does not appear in the right place. Immediately in the stage headphones of the brothers, the voice of an unknown person says that the girl is with him. He also changed the way complex mechanisms work for tricks. And now they pose a threat to the lives of the brothers. But if the show does not continue, the “voice” will kill the assistant ... The beloved girl of one of the brothers.
Its release date is Thursday June 11, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Thriller
Country Russia
Starring Aglaya Tarasova, Andrey Burkovskiy, Danila Yakushev & Pavel Chinaryov