Movies like 10,000 Saints to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Music movie 10,000 Saints with Asa Butterfield, Emile Hirsch, Ethan Hawke & Hailee Steinfeld & created by Robert Pulcini & Shari Springer Berman?

Movies like 10,000 Saints with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 10,000 Saints?

Set in the 1980s, a teenager from Vermont moves to New York City to live with his father in East Village.

TAGLINE: "Rage. Riot. Rebirth."

Its release date is Friday August 14, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic New York, Usa & Woman Director
Genre Comedy, Drama & Music
Director Robert Pulcini & Shari Springer Berman
Starring Asa Butterfield, Emile Hirsch, Ethan Hawke & Hailee Steinfeld
Place Manhattan & Vermont
Time 1987 & 1988
Written by Eleanor Henderson (based on the novel by), Robert Pulcini (screenplay) & Shari Springer Berman (screenplay)
Runtime 113 min

Other Comedy movies by Robert Pulcini

The Nanny Diaries | Aug 24th, 2007

The Nanny Diaries
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American Splendor | Aug 15th, 2003

American Splendor
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The Extra Man | Aug 1st, 2010

The Extra Man
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Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV