Movies like 12 Rounds to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Drama movie 12 Rounds with Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott, John Cena & Steve Harris & created by Renny Harlin?

Movies like 12 Rounds with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 12 Rounds?

Detective Danny Fisher discovers his girlfriend has been kidnapped by a ex-con tied to Fisher's past, and he'll have to successfully complete 12 challenges in order to secure her safe release.

TAGLINE: "Survive all 12"

Its release date is Thursday March 19, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abduction, Cat And Mouse, Cops, Family, Police, Revenge & Revenge Drama
Genre Action, Adventure & Drama
Country The United States
Director Renny Harlin
Starring Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott, John Cena & Steve Harris
Location New Orleans
Written by Daniel Kunka
Cinematography David Boyd (cinematographer)
Music Trevor Rabin
Runtime 108 min

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Skiptrace | Jul 21st, 2016

5.7/10 | By Renny Harlin
China | Action, Comedy & Thriller
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