Movies like 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Adventure movie 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded with Brian Markinson, Cindy Busby, Randy Orton & Sean Rogerson & created by Roel Reiné?

Movies like 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded?

WWE Wrestler Randy Orton portrays Nick Malloy, an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) who finds himself caught in a deadly 12-round game of cat and mouse with a vigilante tied to the ...

TAGLINE: "Are you ready for another 12 Rounds?"

Its release date is Saturday June 1, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cat And Mouse, Emergency Services, Family, Paramedic, Revenge, Revenge Drama & Sequel
Genre Action & Adventure
Country The United States
Director Roel Reiné
Starring Brian Markinson, Cindy Busby, Randy Orton & Sean Rogerson
Place British Columbia
Location Vancouver
Written by David Benullo
Cinematography Anthony C. Metchie
Music Nathan Furst
Runtime 95 min

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