Movies like 13 Eerie to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie 13 Eerie with Brendan Fehr, Brendan Fletcher, Jesse Moss & Katharine Isabelle & created by Lowell Dean?

Movies like 13 Eerie with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 13 Eerie?

Six forensic undergrads embark on a scientific expedition to a remote island that was once used as illegal biological testing grounds for life-term prisoners.

TAGLINE: "We prey for you"

Its release date is Tuesday April 2, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bus, Corpse, Experiment, Extreme Violence, Marijuana, Student, Violence & Zombie
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country Canada
Director Lowell Dean
Starring Brendan Fehr, Brendan Fletcher, Jesse Moss & Katharine Isabelle
Written by Christian Piers Betley
Cinematography Mark Dobrescu
Runtime 87 min

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