Movies like 13 going on 30 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Fantasy & Romance movie 13 going on 30 with Andy Serkis, Jennifer Garner, Judy Greer & Mark Ruffalo & created by Gary Winick?

Movies like 13 going on 30 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 13 going on 30?

A girl makes a wish on her thirteenth birthday, and wakes up the next day as a thirty-year-old woman.

TAGLINE: "For some, 13 feels like it was just yesterday. For Jenna, it was."

Its release date is Tuesday April 13, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adult, Best Friends In Love, Child As An Adult, Editor-in-chief, Fashion Magazine Publishing, Friendship, Life, Love, Michael Jackson, New York, Photographer, Teenagers, Wish, Wish Fulfillment & Works Fashion Magazine Publishing
Genre Comedy, Fantasy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Gary Winick
Starring Andy Serkis, Jennifer Garner, Judy Greer & Mark Ruffalo
Place New Jersey & New York City
Time 1987 & 2004
Location Los Angeles County
Written by Cathy Yuspa & Josh Goldsmith
Cinematography Don Burgess (cinematographer)
Music Theodore Shapiro (composer)
Runtime 98 min

Other Comedy movies by Gary Winick

Letters to Juliet | May 14th, 2010

Letters to Juliet
6.6/10 | By Gary Winick
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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Charlotte’s Web | Dec 7th, 2006

Charlotte’s Web
6.3/10 | By Gary Winick
Germany | Comedy, Family & Fantasy
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