Movies like 2 Gisht Mjaltë to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie 2 Gisht Mjaltë with Elvana Gjata, Ermal Mamaqi & Margent Caushi & created by Emir Khalilzadeh?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 2 Gisht Mjaltë?

The story of a couple trying to realize a honeymoon in the Caribbean, but a mistake in buying tickets makes them wander the streets of southern Albania experiencing many different vicissitudes.
Its release date is Thursday May 23, 2019

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Genre Comedy
Country Albania
Director Emir Khalilzadeh
Starring Elvana Gjata, Ermal Mamaqi & Margent Caushi
Written by Ermal Mamaqi
Runtime 101 min