Movies like 2 Weeks in Lagos to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie 2 Weeks in Lagos with Beverly Naya, Efe Irele, Mawuli Gavor & Okey Uzoeshi & created by Kathryn Fasegha?

Movies like 2 Weeks in Lagos with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 2 Weeks in Lagos?

"2 Weeks in Lagos" is a turbulent and thrilling journey into the lives of Ejikeme and Lola. Their lives collide when Ejikeme an investment banker comes home from the United States with Lola's brother Charlie to invest in Nigerian bus
Its release date is Sunday February 14, 2021

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Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country Nigeria
Director Kathryn Fasegha
Starring Beverly Naya, Efe Irele, Mawuli Gavor & Okey Uzoeshi
Written by Kathryn Fasegha
Runtime 117 min