Movies like 3 Godfathers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Western movie 3 Godfathers with Harry Carey, John Wayne, JR, Pedro Armendáriz & Ward Bond & created by John Ford?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 3 Godfathers?

When 3 outlaws on the run find a dying woman and her newborn baby in the desert they vow to save the child.

TAGLINE: "John Ford's Legend of the Southwest!"

Its release date is Wednesday December 1, 1948

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adoption, Baby, Birth, Chess, Desert, Marshal, Outlaw & Promise
Genre Western
Country The United States
Director John Ford
Starring Harry Carey, John Wayne, JR, Pedro Armendáriz & Ward Bond
Place Arizona
Location California & Lone Pine
Written by Frank S. Nugent (screenplay), Laurence Stallings (screenplay) & Peter B. Kyne (story)
Cinematography Winton Hoch
Music Richard Hageman
Runtime 106 min

Other Western movies by John Ford

Fort Apache | Mar 26th, 1948

Fort Apache
7.6/10 | By John Ford
The United States | Western
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Rio Grande | Nov 15th, 1950

Rio Grande
7.1/10 | By John Ford
United States of America | Western
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Other Western movies written by Frank S. Nugent (screenplay)

Fort Apache | Mar 26th, 1948

Fort Apache
7.6/10 | By John Ford
The United States | Western
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

The Searchers | Mar 13th, 1956

The Searchers
8.0/10 | By John Ford
The United States | Western
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