Movies like 99 Songs to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Music & Romance movie 99 Songs with Edilsy Vargas, Ehan Bhat, Lisa Ray & Manisha Koirala & created by Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy?

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The film is a sensual story about art and self-discovery of a struggling singer who wants to be a successful music composer.

TAGLINE: "Dreams always do come true..."

Its release date is Friday April 16, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Musical
Genre Drama, Music & Romance
Country India
Director Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy
Starring Edilsy Vargas, Ehan Bhat, Lisa Ray & Manisha Koirala
Written by A.R. Rahman (story), Hussain Dalal (dialogue) & Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy (screenplay)
Runtime 128 min