Movies like A Bay of Blood to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie A Bay of Blood with Anna Maria Rosati, Claudine Auger, Claudio Camaso & Luigi Pistilli & created by Mario Bava?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Bay of Blood?

The murder of a wealthy countess, which was erroneously deemed suicide, triggers a chain reaction of brutal killings in the surrounding bay area, as several unscrupulous characters try to take over her large estate.

TAGLINE: "They came to play, they stayed to die."

Its release date is Sunday August 8, 1971

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ax, Mass Murder, Murder, Psychopath, Sex, Squid, Suicide & Wheelchair
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country Italy
Director Mario Bava
Starring Anna Maria Rosati, Claudine Auger, Claudio Camaso & Luigi Pistilli
Location Italy
Written by Dardano Sacchetti (story), Filippo Ottoni (screenplay), Gene Luotto (dialogue), Gianfranco Barberi (story), Giuseppe Zaccariello (screenplay) & Mario Bava (screenplay)
Runtime 84 min

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Other Horror movies written by Dardano Sacchetti (story)

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