Movies like A Blade in the Dark to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie A Blade in the Dark with Andrea Occhipinti, Anny Papa, Fabiola Toledo & Michele Soavi & created by Lamberto Bava?

Movies like A Blade in the Dark with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Blade in the Dark?

A killer stalks a composer staying at a posh Tuscany villa while writing the score to a horror film which has an incriminating clue to the killer's identity.

TAGLINE: "When the lights go out, the knife goes in."

Its release date is Saturday August 6, 1983

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Composers, Killer, Murder, Secret, Stalker & Tuscany
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country Italy
Director Lamberto Bava
Starring Andrea Occhipinti, Anny Papa, Fabiola Toledo & Michele Soavi
Written by Dardano Sacchetti (story and screenplay) & Elisa Briganti (story and screenplay)
Cinematography Gianlorenzo Battaglia
Music Guido & Maurizio De Angelis
Runtime 108 min

Other Horror movies by Lamberto Bava

Demons 3: the ogre | Jan 4th, 1988

Demons 3: the ogre
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Macabre | Apr 17th, 1980

6.0/10 | By Lamberto Bava
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Other Horror movies written by Dardano Sacchetti (story and screenplay)