Movies like A Midnight Clear to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, History & War movie A Midnight Clear with Arye Gross, Ethan Hawke, Kevin Dillon & Peter Berg & created by Keith Gordon?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Midnight Clear?

This WW2 psychological drama plays out at Christmas. US GIs hold an isolated cabin in the Ardennes against a handful of Germans cut off from their main force. Combat-weary and short of rations, both sides are determined to survive.
Its release date is Friday April 24, 1992

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Topic Anti War World War II, Belgium Fiction, Christmas, France Fiction, Germany & World War Ii
Genre Drama, History & War
Country The United States
Director Keith Gordon
Starring Arye Gross, Ethan Hawke, Kevin Dillon & Peter Berg
Place Belgium & France
Time 1940s
Location Utah
Written by Keith Gordon (screenplay) & William Wharton (novel)
Cinematography Tom Richmond (cinematographer)
Music Mark Isham
Runtime 108 min