Movies like Al tercer día to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Al tercer día with Arturo Bonín, Diego Cremonesi, Gerardo Romano & Lautaro Delgado Tymruk & created by Daniel de la Vega?
Movies like Al tercer día with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Al tercer día?
Cecilia and her son Martín have a car accident. On the third day after the crash, she wanders by herself on a lonely route and there is no clue of her son. She can't remember what happened ...
Its release date is Thursday May 7, 2020
Its release date is Thursday May 7, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Horror |
Country | Argentina |
Director | Daniel de la Vega |
Starring | Arturo Bonín, Diego Cremonesi, Gerardo Romano & Lautaro Delgado Tymruk |
Written by | Alberto Fasce & Gonzalo Ventura |
Runtime | N/A |