Movies like Alidu Ulidavaru to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Mystery & Thriller movie Alidu Ulidavaru with Ashu Bedra, Atul Kulkarni, Pawan Kumar & Sangeetha Bhat & created by Arvind Sastry?
Movies like Alidu Ulidavaru with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Alidu Ulidavaru?
The film follows a popular TV host and a Bonafide myth buster of superstition, through his journey of making the 100th episode for his show.
Its release date is Friday December 6, 2019
The film follows a popular TV host and a Bonafide myth buster of superstition, through his journey of making the 100th episode for his show.
Its release date is Friday December 6, 2019
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Mystery & Thriller |
Director | Arvind Sastry |
Starring | Ashu Bedra, Atul Kulkarni, Pawan Kumar & Sangeetha Bhat |
Written by | Bhat Pavan (dialogue), Praveen Kumar G (dialogue) & Shanbhog Sudhir (story) |
Runtime | 122 min |