Movies like Alien Hunter to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie Alien Hunter with James Spader, Janine Eser, John Lynch & Nikolai Binev & created by Ron Krauss?

Movies like Alien Hunter with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Alien Hunter?

An alien black box is found in the South Pole, where a government agency is conducting botanical experiments.

TAGLINE: "Earth just got its final warning!"

Its release date is Saturday July 19, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Agriculture, Airplane, Alien Invasion, Nuclear Explosion, Scientist, Secret Lab, Violence & Womanizer
Genre Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
Country Bulgaria & The United States
Director Ron Krauss
Starring James Spader, Janine Eser, John Lynch & Nikolai Binev
Place Antarctica & California
Location Bulgaria
Written by Boaz Davidson (story), J.S. Cardone (screenplay) & J.S. Cardone (story)
Cinematography Darko Suvak
Music Tim Jones
Runtime 92 min

Other Action movies written by Boaz Davidson (story)

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