Movies like All the Pretty Horses to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Romance & Western movie All the Pretty Horses with Henry Thomas, Matt Damon, Penélope Cruz & Sam Shepard & created by Billy Bob Thornton?

Movies like All the Pretty Horses with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of All the Pretty Horses?

Two Texas cowboys head to Mexico in search of work, but soon find themselves in trouble with the law after one of them falls in love with a wealthy rancher's daughter.

TAGLINE: "Some passions can never be tamed."

Its release date is Monday December 11, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Airplane, Beating, Chess, Coffin, Dancing, Horses, Prisoner, Ranch & Wrong Accusal
Genre Drama, Romance & Western
Country The United States
Director Billy Bob Thornton
Starring Henry Thomas, Matt Damon, Penélope Cruz & Sam Shepard
Place Mexico
Location Mexico, New Mexico, San Antonio & Texas
Written by Cormac McCarthy (novel) & Ted Tally (screenplay)
Cinematography Barry Markowitz
Music Larry Paxton
Runtime 116 min

Other Drama movies by Billy Bob Thornton

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Other Drama movies written by Cormac McCarthy (novel)

No country for old men | Nov 8th, 2007

No country for old men
8.1/10 | By Coen brothers, Ethan Coen, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen & Joel Coen
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The Road
7.3/10 | By John Hillcoat
The United States | Adventure & Drama
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