Movies like Amour to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Amour with Emmanuelle Riva, Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Louis Trintignant & William Shimell & created by Michael Haneke?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Amour?

Georges and Anne are an octogenarian couple. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, also a musician, lives in Britain with her family. One day, Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond of love is severely tested.
Its release date is Sunday July 1, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Aging, Daughter, Love, Married Couple, Music, Music Teacher, Nurse, Old Age & Piano Teacher
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Austria & France
Director Michael Haneke
Starring Emmanuelle Riva, Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Louis Trintignant & William Shimell
Place Paris
Location France
Written by Michael Haneke (screenplay)
Cinematography Darius Khondji
Runtime 127 min

Other Drama movies by Michael Haneke

Funny Games | May 14th, 1997

Funny Games
7.6/10 | By Michael Haneke
Austria | Drama, Horror & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube Fandango

Caché | May 2nd, 2005

7.3/10 | By Michael Haneke
Austria & France | Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

The Seventh Continent | May 19th, 1989

The Seventh Continent
7.8/10 | By Michael Haneke
Austria | Drama
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