Movies like Animus to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Animus with Caitlin Singer, John Bernath & Megan Davis & created by Quin Davis?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Animus?

Hoping to find proof of the paranormal, five film students set out to document the legendary Copper Queen Hospital. But as the sun goes down, they experience something far worse than they ...
Its release date is Monday March 25, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blood, Parkour & Slasher
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Quin Davis
Starring Caitlin Singer, John Bernath & Megan Davis
Place London, Mexico & Spain
Time 1490s & 2016
Location Malta
Written by Quin Davis
Cinematography Adam Arkapaw
Music Jed Kurzel & Yasuharu Takanashi
Runtime 83 min