Movies like Anomalisa to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Drama movie Anomalisa with David Thewlis, Jennifer Jason Leigh & Tom Noonan & created by Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson?

Movies like Anomalisa with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Anomalisa?

A man crippled by the mundanity of his life experiences something out of the ordinary.

TAGLINE: "Welcome to the Kaufman surreal-neorealism tale in a dull world of sameness."

Its release date is Wednesday December 30, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Depression, Existentialism & Sex
Genre Animation, Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson
Starring David Thewlis, Jennifer Jason Leigh & Tom Noonan
Place Cincinnati, Hotels & Los Angeles
Time 2005
Written by Charlie Kaufman
Cinematography Joe Passarelli
Music Carter Burwell
Runtime 90 min