Movies like Appleseed: Ex Machina to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Thriller movie Appleseed: Ex Machina with Ai Kobayashi, Kong Kuwata, Kouichi Yamadera & Shinpachi Tsuji & created by Shinji Aramaki?

Movies like Appleseed: Ex Machina with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Appleseed: Ex Machina?

With Brialeos convalescing after a mission, Deunan is assigned a new and remarkably familiar partner as a strange wave of terrorist attacks plague Olympus.
Its release date is Friday October 19, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Manga, Cyberpunk, Cyborg, Future, Mecha & Terrorist
Genre Action, Animation & Thriller
Country Japan
Director Shinji Aramaki
Starring Ai Kobayashi, Kong Kuwata, Kouichi Yamadera & Shinpachi Tsuji
Written by Kiyoto Takeuchi (screenplay), Shirow Masamune (characters) & Todd Weinger
Music *
Runtime 105 min

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