Movies like As the Gods Will to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Horror & Thriller movie As the Gods Will with Hirona Yamazaki, Mio Yuki, Ryunosuke Kamiki & Sota Fukushi & created by Takashi Miike?

Movies like As the Gods Will with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of As the Gods Will?

A group of high school students are forced to play a game of death without knowing who, why or how.

TAGLINE: "Oh my God, please return my tedious everyday."

Its release date is Saturday November 15, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Death Games, Game & Japanese High School
Genre Comedy, Horror & Thriller
Country Japan
Director Takashi Miike
Starring Hirona Yamazaki, Mio Yuki, Ryunosuke Kamiki & Sota Fukushi
Written by Akeji Fujimura (manga), Hiroyuki Yatsu (screenplay) & Muneyuki Kaneshiro (manga)
Runtime 117 min

Other Comedy movies by Takashi Miike

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6.8/10 | By Takashi Miike
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No streaming sources available just yet

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Ichi the Killer
7.1/10 | By Takashi Miike
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