Movies like Asef Ala Al Eza’aj to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Mystery movie Asef Ala Al Eza’aj with Ahmed Helmy, Dalal Abdelaziz, Mahmoud Hemida & Menna Shalabi & created by Khalid Marie?
Movies like Asef Ala Al Eza’aj with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Asef Ala Al Eza’aj?
Hassan, a brilliant aviation engineer struggles with loneliness and depression while trying to design his exceptional project.
Its release date is Monday September 1, 2008
Hassan, a brilliant aviation engineer struggles with loneliness and depression while trying to design his exceptional project.
TAGLINE: "Sorry for the Disturbance"
Its release date is Monday September 1, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Imaginary Friend |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Mystery |
Country | Egypt |
Director | Khalid Marie |
Starring | Ahmed Helmy, Dalal Abdelaziz, Mahmoud Hemida & Menna Shalabi |
Written by | Ayman Bahgat Kamar |
Runtime | 116 min |