Movies like Atlantic to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Documentary movie Atlantic with Brendan Gleeson, Charlie Kane & Jerry Early & created by Risteard O'Domhnaill?

Movies like Atlantic with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Atlantic?

Documentary about the two big resources in the North Atlantic, fish and oil, and the impact of their exploitation on the environment in various countries on both sides of the Atlantic.

TAGLINE: "Three Countries. Two Resources. One Choice."

Its release date is Friday February 5, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Atlantic Ocean, Bioterrorism Fiction, Ecology, Fishing, Mental Illness, Oil Industry, People & Politics
Genre Adventure & Documentary
Country Canada
Director Risteard O'Domhnaill
Starring Brendan Gleeson, Charlie Kane & Jerry Early
Place Florence
Time 2016
Location Florence, Istanbul & Italy
Written by N/A
Runtime 80 min

Other Adventure movies written by N/A

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The Predator
6.8/10 | By Shane Black
The United States | Action, Adventure, Horror & Science Fiction
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