Movies like Audrey Rose to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy & Horror movie Audrey Rose with Anthony Hopkins, John Beck, Marsha Mason & Susan Swift & created by Robert Wise?

Movies like Audrey Rose with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Audrey Rose?

A stranger attempts to convince a happily married couple that their daughter is actually his daughter reincarnated.

TAGLINE: "Suddenly Their Lives Were Engulfed By Supernatural Terror!"

Its release date is Wednesday April 6, 1977

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book, Nightmare, Reincarnation & Stranger
Genre Drama, Fantasy & Horror
Country United States of America
Director Robert Wise
Starring Anthony Hopkins, John Beck, Marsha Mason & Susan Swift
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by Frank De Felitta (novel) & Frank De Felitta (screenplay)
Runtime 113 min

Other Drama movies by Robert Wise

The Sand Pebbles | Dec 20th, 1966

The Sand Pebbles
7.7/10 | By Robert Wise
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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The Sound of Music | Mar 2nd, 1965

The Sound of Music
8.0/10 | By Robert Wise
The United States | Biographical, Drama, Family, Music, Musical & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation