Movies like Auntie Danielle to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Auntie Danielle with Catherine Jacob, Eric Prat, Isabelle Nanty & Tsilla Chelton & created by Étienne Chatiliez?

Movies like Auntie Danielle with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Auntie Danielle?

Auntie Danielle, supposedly in ailing health but in reality just a nasty old bitch, lives with a paid housekeeper who she regularly abuses. When the housekeeper dies falling off a ladder, ...
Its release date is Wednesday April 4, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Elderly, Generations Conflict & Woman Director
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country France
Director Étienne Chatiliez
Starring Catherine Jacob, Eric Prat, Isabelle Nanty & Tsilla Chelton
Written by Étienne Chatiliez (adaptation), Florence Quentin (adaptation) & Florence Quentin (scenario and dialogue)
Cinematography Philippe Welt
Music Gérard Kawczynski
Runtime 110 min

Other Comedy movies by Étienne Chatiliez

Uncle Charles | Mar 21st, 2012

Uncle Charles
4.4/10 | By Charles Stone III & Étienne Chatiliez
France | Comedy
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Agathe Cléry | Nov 11th, 2008

Agathe Cléry
4.5/10 | By Étienne Chatiliez
France | Comedy
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