Movies like Baby Mama to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Baby Mama with Amy Poehler, Dax Shepard, Sigourney Weaver & Tina Fey & created by Michael McCullers?

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A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.

TAGLINE: "Would you put your this basket?"

Its release date is Wednesday April 23, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Babies & Parenting, Infertility, Pregnancy & Teenage Pregnancy, Pregnancy And Birth, Surrogate & Surrogate Mother
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Michael McCullers
Starring Amy Poehler, Dax Shepard, Sigourney Weaver & Tina Fey
Place Pennsylvania & Philadelphia
Written by Michael McCullers
Cinematography Daryn Okada
Music Jeff Richmond
Runtime 99 min

Other Comedy movies written by Michael McCullers