Movies like Backstabbed to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller & TV Movie movie Backstabbed with Brad Lee Wind, Brittany Underwood, Josie Davis & Micah Alberti & created by Doug Campbell?
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A struggling housewife decides to become a real estate agent and inadvertently puts her life in danger when she takes a job with a corrupt broker who will do anything to land a deal.
Its release date is Saturday September 3, 2016
Its release date is Saturday September 3, 2016
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | United Nations |
Genre | Thriller & TV Movie |
Director | Doug Campbell |
Starring | Brad Lee Wind, Brittany Underwood, Josie Davis & Micah Alberti |
Location | Canada, Denmark & Morocco |
Written by | Bryan Dick & Raul Inglis |
Runtime | 120 min |