Movies like Bad Luck to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Bad Luck with Barbara Kwiatkowska, Bogumił Kobiela, Helena Dabrowska & Maria Ciesielska & created by Andrzej Munk?

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The story is an odyssey of a little man through Poland of 1930 to 1950. It shows his attempts to cope with a changing world which seems to have no place for him. He has no consciousness of ...
Its release date is Monday April 4, 1960

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Genre Comedy
Country Poland
Director Andrzej Munk
Starring Barbara Kwiatkowska, Bogumił Kobiela, Helena Dabrowska & Maria Ciesielska
Written by Jerzy Stefan Stawinski (novel) & Jerzy Stefan Stawinski (screenplay)
Cinematography Jerzy Lipman
Runtime 92 min