Movies like Bank Shot to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Crime movie Bank Shot with Clifton James, George C. Scott, Joanna Cassidy & Sorrell Booke & created by Gower Champion?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bank Shot?
A bank, temporarily housed in a mobile home while a new building is built, looks like an easy target. On the other hand, why not steal the whole bank and rob it in a safer location?
Its release date is Wednesday July 31, 1974
A bank, temporarily housed in a mobile home while a new building is built, looks like an easy target. On the other hand, why not steal the whole bank and rob it in a safer location?
Its release date is Wednesday July 31, 1974
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bank Robbery |
Genre | Comedy & Crime |
Country | The United States |
Director | Gower Champion |
Starring | Clifton James, George C. Scott, Joanna Cassidy & Sorrell Booke |
Written by | Donald E. Westlake (novel) & Wendell Mayes |
Cinematography | Harry Stradling Jr. |
Music | John Morris (composer) |
Runtime | 83 min |
Other Comedy movies written by Donald E. Westlake (novel)
What’s the Worst That Could Happen? | May 31st, 2001
The Twin | Oct 10th, 1984
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