Movies like Bean to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Bean with John Mills, Pamela Reed, Peter MacNicol & Rowan Atkinson & created by Mel Smith?

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The bumbling Mr. Bean travels to America when he is given the responsibility of bringing a highly valuable painting to a Los Angeles museum.

TAGLINE: "One Man. One Masterpiece. One Very Big Mistake."

Its release date is Thursday July 3, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Airport, Arts And Culture, California, Destroy, London England, Museum, Paris & Vault
Genre Comedy
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Mel Smith
Starring John Mills, Pamela Reed, Peter MacNicol & Rowan Atkinson
Place London & Los Angeles
Location England, London & Los Angeles
Written by Richard Curtis, Richard Curtis (character "Mr. Bean"), Robin Driscoll & Rowan Atkinson (character "Mr. Bean")
Cinematography Francis Kenny
Music Howard Goodall
Runtime 89 min

Other Comedy movies written by Richard Curtis

Blackadder: Back & Forth | Dec 6th, 1999

Blackadder: Back & Forth
7.7/10 | By Paul Weiland
United Kingdom | Comedy, History & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Mr. Bean’s Holiday | Mar 22nd, 2007

Mr. Bean’s Holiday
6.4/10 | By Steve Bendelack
United Kingdom | Comedy & Family
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Notting Hill | May 13th, 1999

Notting Hill
7.1/10 | By Roger Michell
The United States & United Kingdom | Comedy, Drama & Romance
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz