Movies like Becoming Jane to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Biographical, Drama & Romance movie Becoming Jane with Anne Hathaway, James Cromwell, James McAvoy & Julie Walters & created by Julian Jarrold?

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A biographical portrait of a pre-fame Jane Austen and her romance with a young Irishman.

TAGLINE: "Her own life is her greatest inspiration."

Its release date is Friday March 2, 2007

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Topic Biographical Writers, Books, Country Life, Dating & Relationships, Empowerment, England, Future, Judge, Law, Letter, New Love, Writers & Writers & Writing
Genre Biographical, Drama & Romance
Country Ireland, The United States & United Kingdom
Director Julian Jarrold
Starring Anne Hathaway, James Cromwell, James McAvoy & Julie Walters
Place Country Houses
Location England & Ireland
Written by Jane Austen (letters), Kevin Hood & Sarah Williams
Cinematography Eigil Bryld
Music Adrian Johnston (musician)
Runtime 120 min