Movies like Begin Again to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Music, Musical & Romance movie Begin Again with Adam Levine, Hailee Steinfeld, Keira Knightley & Mark Ruffalo & created by John Carney?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Begin Again?

A chance encounter between a disgraced music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter, new to Manhattan, turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents.

TAGLINE: "You're only as strong as your next move."

Its release date is Saturday September 7, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Music & music musicians
Genre Comedy, Music, Musical & Romance
Country The United States
Director John Carney
Starring Adam Levine, Hailee Steinfeld, Keira Knightley & Mark Ruffalo
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by John Carney
Cinematography Yaron Orbach
Music Gregg Alexander
Runtime 104 min

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Sing Street
8.0/10 | By John Carney
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