Movies like Blast of Silence to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Blast of Silence with Allen Baron, Bill DePrato, Larry Tucker & Molly McCarthy & created by Allen Baron?

Movies like Blast of Silence with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Blast of Silence?

A hired killer from Cleveland has a job to do on a second-string mob boss in New York. But a special girl from his past, and a fat gun dealer with pet rats, each gets in his way.

TAGLINE: "An unforgettable experience in suspense! ... as seconds tick off a timetable ... for murder!"

Its release date is Friday March 31, 1961

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Contract Killing, Hitman & New York
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country The United States
Director Allen Baron
Starring Allen Baron, Bill DePrato, Larry Tucker & Molly McCarthy
Place New York City
Location New York (state)
Written by Allen Baron (screenplay) & Waldo Salt (narration written by)
Cinematography Merrill Brody
Music Meyer Kupferman
Runtime 77 min