Movies like Bloodshot to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Fantasy movie Bloodshot with Eiza González, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Michael Sheen & Vin Diesel & created by Dave Wilson?

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Ray Garrison, a slain soldier, is re-animated with superpowers.
Its release date is Thursday February 20, 2020

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Topic American Revenge, Amnesia, Based On Comic, Psychotronic, Shared Universe, Superhero & Valiant Comics
Genre Action, Drama & Fantasy
Country United States of America
Director Dave Wilson
Starring Eiza González, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Michael Sheen & Vin Diesel
Place Kuala Lumpur
Location Budapest, Czech Republic & South Africa
Written by Bob Layton (comic book), Don Perlin (comic book), Eric Heisserer (screenplay by), Eric Heisserer (screenplay), Jeff Wadlow (screenplay by), Jeff Wadlow (screenplay), Jeff Wadlow (story by) & Kevin VanHook (comic book)
Runtime 109 min