Movies like Blush to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Blush with Dvir Benedek, Einav Levi, Jade Sakori & Sivan Noam Shimon & created by Michal Vinik?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Blush?

17 year old Naama Barash enjoys alcohol, drugs and hanging out with like-minded friends. Her activities are an escape from a home where her parents always fight, and a rebellious, ...

TAGLINE: "A girl falling in love. A family falling apart."

Its release date is Thursday October 22, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adolescence, Coming Of Age, Coming Out, Dysfunctional Family, Family, Lesbian Relationship, Sexuality & Sibling Relationship
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Israel
Director Michal Vinik
Starring Dvir Benedek, Einav Levi, Jade Sakori & Sivan Noam Shimon
Written by Michal Vinik
Cinematography Shay Peleg
Music Daphna Keenan
Runtime 81 min